Electra Eviye Bataryası
Marka : E.C.A.
“Revolutionary design electra that does not have separate handle attracts everyone due to its elegance and smart appearance is decisive to be unique for kitchens. Pull down digital sink mixer provides the users with freedom of movement in the kitchens while offering the options of two different flow functions. On electra’s front area, an electronic pad gives you access to all the functions, either when the spray is fitted into the spout or in your hand with just tip of your finger you can control.”
Electra Serisi
Marka : E.C.A.
“The faucets that does not have separate handle attracts everyone due to its elegance and smart appearance is decisive to be unique in wet area. The touch display buttons of Electra offer the users more ergonomic solution. The movement space and ergonomics are maximized due to the position of control buttons. Eco Mind of the faucets provide user with maximum efficiency in saving. So it adds value to the next generations by emphasizing the conscious of a sustainable future.”
Tasarımların tüm hakları Valfsel Armatür Sanayi A.Ş.’ye aittir.